Pups In Jammies That Will Steal Hearts Before Bedtime

By Iulia P

Yes, we agree! Onesies are always adorable and always a good idea for a good cozy sleep. All those cute prints, the fluffiness of the fabric, and last but not least, the thing that may be the cherry on the top: the flapjack on the back. Cuteness overload! But do you know what can be more adorable than an onesie? An adorable pup all dressed up in the coziest and fluffiest onesie. You read that right! It turns out that dogs love the coziness of a good ol’ onesie too, and we are so here for it. Hold on properly to your hearts, people, because these little guys right here dressed in their cute PJs are ready to steal them and then go straight to sleep!

Banana Split

We found something that is sweeter than the sweetest banana split milkshake! And that something is the little Pitbull guy, pictured below, sleeping in his cozy banana printed pajamas, having the best sleep of his life and not worrying about a single thing.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Jodie Knott

We hope we will one day get to this level of relaxation that this pup is at. Could it be the big belly, which is probably food giving him this good sleep? Could it be the soft and fluffy PJ fabric? We really need to know!

Such a lady…

Yes, for some people, a dog wearing jammies might seem a bit weird. While some might be against it (no judgment, but what is wrong with you?), some realized that it is a necessity, especially when your furry baby is such a posh lady.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Brittany Cuic

A posh lady with a posh attitude asks for nothing but posh, pink pajamas with swans all over them. We promise this girl’s owner could not find a more perfect and suited sleeping attire for her baby. And let’s not forget about the pose little miss is doing. We’re so here for it!

Someone is definitely not happy

So, did you think that we only have puppies posing for us in jammies? If so, you were wrong because we have for you a great variety of adult dogs in jammies in every size and color. And also in every mood possible.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Alyssa Groves

For example, here we have watermelon PJs worn by a very angry-looking American Bulldog and a very confused Boxer. We do not know for sure what is giving them these angry vibes, but it may be the color of those Pjs. That’s so last season!

Summer PJs

As the Northern Hemisphere is slowly moving towards spring, the jammies worn by this French bulldog pup are nothing but onesie goals for the warm/ hot season. Not to mention these PJs are not only cute, comfy but also functional.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Caroline Vitareli

So functional that if you actually stain them with strawberry juice, you would most likely not see the stain. You got to love a good strawberry printed and practical PJ. Who wouldn’t? Probably those who have a strawberry allergy.

The “spot” game

We have an attention game for you, guys! You have to spot and name the one and only weird thing present in the picture below. We can give you a hint. Those corny PJs this Greyhound is wearing are not it.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Jess Johnson

Nor the very skinny legs on this guy, since they are typical to Greyhounds. What can it be? If you said the missing ears, then that is the correct answer. Congratulations! You get not only 100 points but also a high five and the opportunity to keep on reading about and seeing adorable pups in cute PJs.

Someone call 911

And make that call fast because our hearts were savagely stolen from us! The thief, a sausage dog with a very innocent face, dressed in his dino pajamas while wearing no undies, is running away with them. This is not acceptable!

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Heather Lunkin

Little Walter here is not playing when it comes to his love for dinosaurs, and according to his owner, he has quite a dino PJ collection. If this boy is not the cutest dino fan you’ve seen today, then we don’t know who could be.

Upside-down beauty

This beauty posing below did not come here to play. She has definitely decided to steal all the hearts she can steal and get along with it. We mean, what thief wouldn’t get away with it when he/she is beyond adorable while wearing her cutest duck jammies?

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Birdie Wood

The girl is a long-haired Dachshund, and according to her owner, who posted her picture on a Facebook group, she hates it when her mom tries to get her out of her jammies; she loves wearing them and protests when they need to be washed. What a spoiled girl!

The breakfast lover

Luna the Chihuahua’s first time shopping for PJs was a success. She put in all the energy she could muster to find the best jammies that will be cozy and represent her and what she likes. And lucky for her, she found these breakfast PJs, which are a bit big.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/Jennah Clark

But that is not a problem for Luna. Not to mention the jammies look like they are doing their job well since they managed to put Luna to sleep on her ride back home. Luna, where did you get them? We need a couple of pairs too!

Sausage dog

This might be the best picture you have seen today. We sure know it is for us. What can be better and more adorable than a perplexed sausage dog (on his real name, Dachshund) wearing sausage dogs printed pajamas?

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Alyssa Lea

We tell you: nothing! We don’t know where all these human parents of four-legged, furry babies are buying these funny pajamas, but this particular owner has nailed it! Meanwhile, his pup looked confused about why everybody present was laughing at him.

Good boy alert

There is a stigma that floats around Pitbulls, and we feel that it’s really unjust. We mean, take a look at this guy pictured below; he looks like the most obedient and best-behaved boy ever. We’re sure he would not hurt a fly.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Cindy Keeney

His eyes say he is gentle, and so does his hoodie onesie. Have you ever seen a bad boy wearing hooded onesies and being happy about it? Us neither, so do you need any more proof that Nizmo is a good boy?

Painting or…?

Hold up! Take a look at the picture below? Are we looking at a real-life pup or at a perfectly painted painting? We are seriously a little confused right now because this pup is so beautiful that he looks unreal.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Nikki Dolly

We said “he” because, judging by his jammies, he is a boy. And we don’t know exactly what it is, but there is something about his pose that makes us think about superheroes. Could this little guy be one?

Another one

In this picture below, there is just another “scary” pittie wearing his baby blue, sheep-printed jammies while having what looks like the time of his life running around the backyard. We love the amount of joy these photos portray.

Photo courtesy ofcuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Tay Tay

What can it possibly be bringing this guy so much joy? To us, it looks like happiness is a pair of pajamas with a sheep print, and if that’s the case, we’re on our way to buy our very own pair. PJ shop, here we come!

Shiba-Inu effect

The Shiba-Inu effect, for those who have never heard of it, consists of a big, from ear to ear smile and an even bigger “AWWW” afterward. It is safe to say that this Shiba-Inu pup dressed in his jammies is causing a double effect.

Photo courtesy of cuteness.com/ facebook.com/ Jessica Perez

Two big smiles, followed by a longer and bigger ” AWWW.” Those ducky PJs are, what millennials would say, lit, and the overall look of this pup makes him look like he is straight from a PJ ad. You got to love a pup that knows how to work it.

That kind of day

Someone looks like he is having one of those “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” days. Besides the sad face, you have to agree with us that this little guy is beyond cute wearing his fluffy, bear pajamas.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

We don’t know if he is aware that he just stole our hearts with those puppy eyes of his, but we can not help but say “Awww” every time we look at his face. What could have possibly made him so sad?

Someone is ready…

It’s getting late, and it looks like someone is ready to sleep. Hair brushed, teeth too, onesie on, and posing game on 100%. This Labrador pup might be upset that playtime is over and getting ready for bed, but he looks so adorable; we just want to curl up and nap next to him.

Photo courtesy of dailyedge.ie

Can we take a moment to look closely at his posing position and to appreciate how a pup so young can possibly pose this well? We are seriously wondering who or where he learned that from because we need a few pointers from that posing pro.

Rolls on rolls

There is nothing softer and more squishy than an English Bulldog puppy. Those creases and rolls make them, in our humble opinion, the best pups ever. Speaking of squishable rolls, the pup pictured below is definitely has them in abundance.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

It is unfair of us to say that those rolls are there, and they will not go anywhere no matter how much he will exercise. In this case, dear puppy, it’s time to give up wearing horizontal lines. They do not do your body justice. At all!

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the cutest chocolate Labrador pup of them all? The answer is down below, and it’s clear why. We mean, how many Lab pups have you seen wearing baby pajamas and actually looking this adorable?

Photo courtesy of thesun.co.uk

He may look a bit sad, which, to be honest, brings the picture more cuteness, but we are sure he is this way because that blue does not match his coat at all. Dear owner of chocolate Lab, next time, try to buy him a pair of yellow PJ’s. We guarantee his face will light up with joy.

Another Dachshund

Up until now, we’ve seen all sorts of doggos dressed in all sorts of jammies and reacting with a variety of facial expressions. But there is one thing you have not seen yet, and this is a sausage dog wearing duck house shoes.

Photo courtesy of libingmgz.com

And you have to agree with us; even if his face does not show it, he looks simply adorable wearing all four of his matching duckie slippers. They do look comfy, and we might need to grab a matching pair for ourselves too.

Turtle neck foxy

If you have not managed to get your daily dose of cute yet, here is a picture of a foxy look-alike puppy dressed in a turtle neck cozy pajama that might help you with that. Your heart just melted too, right?

Photo courtesy of reddit.com/user/PhoenixFlamebird/

Because ours just did. Not only is this pup adorable, but look! It looks like his owner thinks he is a good upper, too, since they decided to buy their furry baby a “nice pup” toy. Someone is really proud of his title.

Friday nights be like

Whether you’re in school, you work, or you are retired, you have to admit that we are all looking forward to Friday, no matter the case. So we can all be like the Labrador pup all cozied up with his Teddy friend for a night of Netflix.

Photo courtesy of twitter.com/hioewilliam07

This picture is the definition of cozy. The soft jammies the pup wears, his fluffy legs and paws, Teddy’s fuzzy coat. What is missing from this picture is some hot cocoa and some fudgy chocolate chip cookies for a perfect night in front of the telly.

Sleeping beauty

We think that we might have bumped into the male version of Aurora, the main character from the fairy tale of The Sleeping Beauty. And if you don’t see the resemblance that we see, let us clear the air for you!

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

Blonde hair- check, beautiful face- check, having the deepest sleep ever- check. The only difference between the two are those pajamas that, compared to Aurora’s, are blue. Oh, and also that one is a human and the other one a puppy, but this is not that important.

Besties sleepover

By looking at the picture below, we can only hope that we and our besties will continue being BBFs and do sleepovers even when we will be old and grey, just like these two doggos. You got to love a real true friendship.

Photo courtesy of twitter.com/Malachite_frost

Besides the age of these two senior Staffies (see their white muzzles), what really got us was the way they pose so close to each other – you can tell their friendship is real. Also, the fact that they have similar onesies… We just love everything about this picture.

Someone is not happy

If you look at the Yorkie pup pictured below, you can tell he is not happy with what his owner decided to do to him. His “no-nonsense with a touch of irritation” face says it all. But what could the reason be?

Photo courtesy of thesun.ie

Could it be the onesie? Could it be the choice of color his owner decided to pick? Whatever the reason is, someone is not happy, and the problem that is bugging him needs to be resolved ASAP. Why would someone let this darling face be unhappy?

Cutest pup award

So far, we’ve seen quite a few adorable pups dressed in baby onesies, and our hearts melted every time. This time prepare your heart to be melted twice because the Boxer puppy is not only wearing a baby onesie, but the onesie is Christmas-themed.

Photo courtesy of catdumb.com

We mean, what could be cuter than a baby boxer dressed in a baby Christmassy onesie? We’re telling you- nothing! Nothing can beat this amount of cuteness! Not to mention those puppy eyes and that adorable face that definitely says he is beyond tired of posing for his owner.

Is it good like this, hooman?

This Golden Retriever pup is beyond cute in his hooded onesie while trying to give his hooman the best pose he can give. His face seems like he’s waiting for the photographer’s instructions. Well, not all of us have this talent when it comes to posing.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

We think the confusing pose he did is adorable. Not to mention those bear ears on top of his hood make him look just like a stuffed fluffy toy, more exactly like a teddy bear. If you want more cuteness, make sure you sneak a glance at this pup’s fluffy paws too.


First of all, we have to say that the Husky pup in the picture below is looking really cute in his stripped summer pajama. We also have to agree that he hates being dressed in it and that he wanted out of it yesterday!

Photo courtesy of dailymail.co.uk

It’s all over his face, but it seems like his owner did not really get the hint. Or maybe he did but chose to ignore it in order to take the best pictures of his dog. Whatever it was, we are really thankful the owner decided to share this picture with the internet. It sure made our day better.

Not today…

This French Bulldog is all of us when the alarm goes of at 7 a.m on a Monday morning. And that’s totally normal. We mean, who is happy to wake up early in the morning on Monday, to start the week again?

Photo courtesy of eva.ro

We’re telling you, nobody! But back to our cute Mr. Grumpy, we have to stop for a minute to admire his polka dots PJs that are matching his duckie friend. It is beyond adorbs; we love everything about this picture, the grumpy face included.

Matching buddies

We can not decide what’s cuter: the way these two French Bulldog besties decided to hug for the picture or the fact that they are wearing matching Christmassy onesies? Or could it be the relaxation and coziness those two wrinkly faces are showing us?

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

Whatever it is, we love everything about this picture, and it has officially become our favorite Christmas pic. The image can be an inspiration for a Christmas card photoshoot to do with your best friend or, why not, with your significant other.

She’s a natural

If the pup we just saw was very insecure about the way he was posing (yes, we’re talking about the Golden Retriever dressed in hooded jammies), this one right here came to slay the posing game. And keep in mind, she’s just a baby!

Photo courtesy of dailymail.co.uk

She’s giving the camera professional poses, the most mesmerizing puppy eyes, and a PJ set that, even if you don’t need it, you have to buy it because it looks so cute on this pup model. The modeling agencies will be calling to sign her up soon because she is a natural.

Fluffiness contest

Do you know what is more fluffy than a Golden Retriever fuzzy-wuzzy puppy? A Pomeranian puppy dressed in their very comfy and cozy jammies while taking what looks like the ultimate power nap of his young pup life so far.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

Some might not agree with us but let this Pom-Pom pup have his moment of glory! You have to admit that he does indeed look like a stuffed animal and also that he is super adorable in his paw-printed pup pajamas.

Who did it?

As much as we want, we can not look at this photo for too long because this baby girl’s sad face is killing us. Such a pretty girl wearing her rose-printed jammies, giving us the most downcast fuzzy face we’ve seen so far.

Photo courtesy of dapsanimals.info

Just tell us, who did it? Who made you this upset little one? Whoever it was, we just hope it was not your owner when she decided to dress you up in pajamas. And if it was , we hope she gave you treats to make you feel better.

Time for bed

PJs are on, and teeth are brushed, face is washed, and so are the paws. Someone is ready to go to sleep, and it looks like he is asking the person behind the camera if she or he is ready for sleep too.

Photo courtesy of twoeggz.com/

If you ask us, we think that the person behind the camera is nowhere ready to go to sleep. Not when his/ her pup looks this cute in the striped pajamas. It is so cute that some pictures need to be taken to share them with the family, friends, and the whole entire internet first.

Friday night

That awesome feeling you get when you come home from work on a Friday night, you jump straight into your cozy onesie and jump again on the sofa to binge-watch your favorite TV show. This is exactly what this puppy makes us think of.

Photo courtesy of twitter.com/mattydumdum

If they ever decided to add photos in the dictionaries for every word, the image of this Golden Retriever pictured above should appear next to the words “cozy” and “comfy” because it is exactly what it portrays to us when we look at it.

Sad or just his normal?

If you’re not really familiar with Frenchies and Bulldogs in general, you may think that the boy below is sad. There is this thing about French bulldogs; they look sad even when they are not, and this because of their wrinkly faces and short noses.

Photo courtesy of thebarkpost.com

Well, in this picture, the poor pup is definitely sad. We don’t know what made him feel unhappy, but we can only guess that it’s the pajamas his owner dressed him with. Maybe they are itchy because the reason cant be the fit or the design on the onesie; he looks right on-trend.

Corgi love

If you, too, are a fan of Corgis, just like some members of the royal family are, be prepared to fall in love with this little guy dressed in a sky blue, turtle neck onesie. We didn’t know they make turtle necks for onesies.

Photo courtesy of weheartit.com

But we are so here for it. For it and also for this little handsome’s ear-to-ear smile. We can not help but wonder what made him so happy and content? Could it be he is loving his pajamas as much as we do?


Here is one adorable Golden Retriever pup dressed in his vroom-vroom jammies while patiently waiting for his human mommy and daddy to come and tuck him in and eventually read him a bedtime story. Looking at his face, he seems a bit impatient.

Photo courtesy of twitter.com/_lovlyladyLUMPS

Where are his parents? We hope that they did not forget about their fur-legged fluffy friend and his bedtime routine. If they did, because sometimes it happens to the best of us, we have a bunch of people that would die to come and do it for them. We mean, who wouldn’t? Just look at that adorable face and those fuzzy paws!

Bed time story

The owner of this Pitbull pup might have gotten him all ready for bed when he dressed him up in his jungle-themed pajamas, but it looks like he is nowhere near tired. That face looks like someone still wants to play.

Photo courtesy of eternallysunny.boredomtherapy.com

We know every house has its rules but who can resist that cute face? Not to mention that tongue sticking out. We think that he deserves to get an extra 30 minutes of play before sleep. Those additional minutes might really get him tired.

No matter the age

When we said that onesies are cute no matter the age of the one who wears them, we really meant it! And if you don’t believe us, just take a look at this old guy pictured below. Isn’t he just the best rocking his fuzzy jammies?

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

Sure, his face doesn’t look like he is happy but let’s just put it down to waking up early in the morning and not on the fact that he was forced to wear those jammies just for a round of photos. The things dogs do to make their humans happy.

Saturday morning feeling

There is one thing this picture makes us think about, and that is that late Saturday morning feeling of freedom, relaxation, and weekend vibes. The amount of joy this Frenchie expresses is too much to bear, even for us.

Photo courtesy of thepicta.com/tag/frenchienetwork

And let’s not forget about the fuzzy polka-dotted jammies that he is wearing. They look like the perfect definition of comfy, and that smile says it all. With a happy dog like this, we’re sure his owner only has good days.

Two moods

There are two types of people on Saturday mornings: those who are beyond happy to wake up late, are in a fabulous mood, and ready to start the day, just like the Frenchie dressed in the polka dots jammies that we have just seen.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

And then there are those who, even if they wake up late, are still tired, and they need 5 more minutes to process what is happening. In case you wondered, just like this American Bully who is obviously not ready to start his day.

Nowhere without his Teddy

According to his owner, this is Marcus; that Teddy next to him is his favorite toy and has been around ever since he was a puppy. Marcus loves his toy so much that he carries it everywhere and even sleeps with it.

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

While this human-like behavior of carrying his toy around is nothing but heart-melting and cute, can we take a moment to appreciate the duckies pajamas Marcus was wearing for the picture? He is such an adorable big boy.

Dino fan

We’ve seen quite a few dino fans among all the pictures up until now, and you have to admit it, this one is adorable with his innocent-looking face. And have you seen the way he sits with his back legs?

Photo courtesy of livingmgz.com

All we want to do is pick him up and give him the longest hug ever because he is one of the most adorable pups in jammies we have seen today. And those bat ears… everything is just cuteness overload.

Tough guys love them too

You would probably not know it, but though guys love the fuzzy, cozy jammies too. And if you don’t believe it, just have a look at the strong guy pictured below, wearing his duck jammies like it’s no big deal.

Photo courtesy of twitter.com/terrifetherolf

We are feeling something similar to surprise looking at this picture because we are not used to seeing an American Bully, who is considered a strong dog, in fuzzy-wuzzy duck pajamas. But oh well, there’s a first time for everything.


We did not know that matching pajamas for pups and their humans are a thing now, but we are so here for this trend. There is nothing more adorable than wearing matching jammies while hanging out with your four-legged best friend.

Photo courtesy of petslady.com

And it looks like this Yoda-looking pup is here for it too. You can see it all over his face that he really loves the present his hooman got for them to enjoy during the cold season. That is a good idea gift for sure.

Sharing is carrying

It is said that it is good to teach your kids early about giving, and that is exactly what the mother of this toddler and Poodle is doing: making them share the Christmassy pajamas set, which was clearly bought for the toddler.

Photo courtesy of pinterest.com/amzn.to

The thing that makes us believe that the “sharing is caring ” lesson is for the toddler and not for the pup who seems pretty happy with the pair of pants he got. Nevertheless, both of them look really cute in their festive jammies, and their mother should do this more often.