How Did Jennifer Lopez Nickname – JLO- Actually Come To Life?
Whatever you call her, Jennifer Lopez needs no introduction.
But have you ever wondered where JLo, the nickname with which she later became famous, came from? The singer herself answered this question, during an interview in which she outed some curiosities about her, explaining, among other things, the origin of the nickname JLo.
Jennifer Lopez revealed that this nickname was given to her by the rapper Heavy D. The singer said that while recording her first album, On the 6, released in 1999, Heavy D was always helping her in the studio.
Given the growing closeness with new colleagues and record artists, the singer ended up being mentioned in some songs. And since the name with which she was known at the time, Jenny Lo, was too long to be included in the lyrics, the rapper Heavy D transformed it into JLo.
«JLo is an invention of Heavy D – the singer explained – He was always in the studio when I was making my first album and he called me Jenny Lo. At the time, I went out with Puffy, and therefore the names Puffy and Jenny Lo often became part of some rap songs».
But apparently Jenny Lo didn’t sound as good as JLo. The singer’s admission that the nickname JLo was born thanks to rapper and friend Heavy D comes after she credited her fans for giving her this nickname.
In 2001 Jennifer Lopez had said in an interview:
«JLo is the nickname my fans have given me. It was a bit like street terminology, it somehow caught on by itself ».
Whatever origin the name JLo actually has, it is certainly the one Jennifer Lopez is most known with, and one of the most iconic names in celebrities history!