These Furry Friends Are So Over This Thing Called Quarantine

By Ana R

As a result of the pandemic, let’s face it: we have all been stuck at home for way too long. No matter where you are in the world, you are probably spending more time at home than you ever did before this moment in world history. And being home all the time means giving your pets some extra loving. The issue is that they never asked for so much attention! Our dogs and cats probably miss the good ol’ days when they could run around the house while we were at work, destroying the furniture and stealing things to play with. Now it’s all about playing fetch all day, being called to sit with us on the couch all the time, and, in some more extreme cases of quarantine, lots of DIYs and learning new tricks. So how have our furry friends been weathering the storm? Time to find out.

Broken Dog

Maybe this dog has been spending too much time with cats, so he learned how to climb on furniture. Maybe he’s going stir crazy from quarantine. But honestly, we wouldn’t be surprised if the dog was just trying to get away from this owner for a little while.

Image courtesy of Reddit/wideawaketheysleep

The two other dogs are looking up at him, puzzled, and wondering what on Earth he is doing on top of the kitchen cabinet. Or maybe they are wondering if they would be able to climb all the way up there too. You certainly have to wonder how the first dog got up there.

Guilty Boys

These pets look so guilty it’s actually very cute. They were clearly playing with an object they knew they shouldn’t have, but thought they might just be able to get away with it. And maybe they could have, if it wasn’t for their guilty looks. Talk about not having a poker face!

 Image courtesy of Reddit/operationnos

Whatever it is they broke, we’re going to go ahead and say it’s their owner’s fault for leaving it at reach. Look at these fur babies! This cat and dog are good boys, how can anyone be mad at anything that looks this adorable? These partners-in-crime need a cuddle.

The Cat King

Anyone who has cats knows how much they love to attempt to scale all pieces of furniture, no matter how tall or unreachable they might seem. They leap with ease from shelf to shelf, more often than not using their nails to help them wreak havoc as they climb. But they always manage to get to the top of the furniture.

Image courtesy of Reddit/FoolishCheese_YT

After all this time being stuck at home with their boring humans, these cats are probably starting to lose their minds. At this point, they are desperately looking for new objects to climb, explore, and play with, like this bed.

Caught In The Act

This cute boy thought that no one was looking when he tried to grab his grandma’s purse and play with the things she had inside it. But his owner caught him red-handed…er, black-pawed? Look at the horrified, guilty expression in his eyes.

Image courtesy of Reddit/Eugene8575

It looks like he’s apologizing for the inconvenience, saying he wishes he didn’t have to do this. But unfortunately, everyone has been too bored lately, and so is the pup, so he deserves a break! Let him play with the purse this one time!

Quarantine News

This good boy is reporting to all the other dogs that the day they have all been waiting for has finally come: their humans are simply not leaving to go to work anymore! We wonder if he realizes just what that’s going to entail.

Image courtesy of Twitter/@Emma_Hurt

Can you see how he looks at his human with so much love? This dog will do literally anything for his best friend, even wear a headset and pretend to be a journalist, if that’s what is going to make them happy — or amuse them as they try to pass the time cooped up indoors.

Playful Pals

Quarantine is making us all a little too hyperactive. Maybe it’s the boredom, maybe it’s the itching need to be productive when there isn’t that much we can do. Either way, we understand why these two have so much energy to be spent play-fighting.

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It’s so cute that while the cat looks guilty and almost apologetic for being caught behaving poorly, the dog has this serious expression on his face that basically says: “Human, we are just playing, now carry on about your business.”


Bold claim: this might just be among the most adorable things any dog has ever done. He was probably feeling a little cold but still wanted to be able to see his owner. So, obviously, he chewed a hole in the blanket and put his head through it.

Image courtesy of Twitter/@crimsonfarina

Warm, fashionable, and simultaneously irresistible. He’s cleverly managed to protect his entire head from the cold, and only his eyes and little snout are exposed. This is how much dogs love their owners! They want to hang out even in the freezing cold.

LEGO Corgi

This dog does not look particularly impressed by his parents’ creation. This LEGO sculpture looks exactly like him, from the brown spots above his eyes all the way down to the white paws. Honestly, he really should be feeling flattered by this piece of art.

Image courtesy of Reddit/monetclaude

Such an incredible masterpiece! Quarantine has given us all so much time to truly develop our artistic side. We hope these people kept the sculpture somewhere very safe where the dog won’t be able to reach, because it would be really sad to see all this beautiful hard work go to waste.

Hygienic Pup

From the stylish sunglasses to the creative sign, this dog has everything it needs to be the newest internet sensation. As a matter of the most basic hygiene that can help keep everyone safe, it’s important now more than ever to be reminded to wash our hands constantly.

 Image courtesy of Facebook/SoCalPaws

And there is no better way to be reminded to stay diligently clean than getting pictures from a fluffy dog in sunglasses. We promise to social distance and not leave the house unless necessary too, little pup. Anything, especially if it’s you who’s the one asking!

Smart Ghost

This dog is wondering why his human is at his house bothering him during his alone time. Ghost’s whole schedule of napping, running around, and eating inedible objects is now being postponed. We get it, pup, it’s a hard time for all of us.

Image courtesy of Reddit/wolf-track

His ears are up and his eyes are looking straight into his parent’s soul. Ghost is definitely desperate to be left alone again. He probably wishes he could speak so he could be able to kick out his human from his place.

Stuffed Animal Friends

This pup is so tired of having to deal with his human during these social isolation times. He just wants to chill by himself for a few moments until he can recharge his social battery. And we all get it.

Image courtesy of Reddit/yung_summa

If you are living with anyone during this quarantine, be they roommates, family, or a significant other, you already know that, at some point, we all need a break from interacting. This dog was hoping if he stayed quiet, his owner wouldn’t notice him between the stuffed animals.

Fed Up Pup

This dog is so done with having to share his blanket with his human. The side-eye illustrates perfectly what it feels like to be sharing the very same space with someone without a break for weeks in a row. He’s less than thrilled about this whole situation.

Image courtesy of

It is frustrating, but this social isolation will end, pup, we promise! And when it does, you’ll have your blanket and your couch all to yourself again. And you’ll appreciate it so much more when you’re able to have your own space again.

The Scared Dog

If Courage The Cowardly Dog had a sibling, it would definitely be this dog right here. Look at the absolute horror in this dog’s eyes! He is terrified of the noise he made! Of course, this would be far less cute if it were one of us.

Image courtesy of Reddit/rw890

In fact, now that everyone is at home all the time, this dog is probably getting scared 24/7, considering all the constant noises he hears coming from all the rooms in his house. Poor little baby, we hope you are doing okay.

Happy Dogs

Obviously, not all dogs hate having to share their space with their humans. In fact, we’re sure that many of them are actually really happy that they are getting to spend some long-overdue quality time with their parents for once.

Image courtesy of

Most dogs spend the whole day just waiting for their humans to come back and get so wildly excited when they hear the key and the doorknob turning. Can you imagine how thrilled they are to have their best friend around all day?

Tired Dog

You can see this dog is really low maintenance. He doesn’t care about expensive furniture or extra comfort. All he needs is a wooden floor and a place to lay his head, and he is good to take a nap. How lucky dogs are to have the ability to pass out anywhere!

Image courtesy of Reddit/lacajadeldiablo

This picture is absolutely adorable, but we can only imagine how frustrated his owner was when they bought him a fancy new pet bed for a hundred dollars and yet he still chose to sleep on the floor. Maybe they should take the compliment regarding their flooring choice.

The Masseuse

Who needs a masseuse when you have a dog willing to pat you on your back during your entire workday? This dog loves his owner so much that he absolutely refuses to leave his side, even if it means having to sit on the couch in the most uncomfortable position.

Image courtesy of The Sun

And judging by the happy smile on the guy’s face, we’ll guess he feels flattered and lucky that his dog loves him so much. He probably wishes he could just drop his work and play with his best friend all day.

Social Distance Dog

Since the whole social distancing requirement started to take hold in every city around the world, many people have been thinking of creative solutions to their everyday needs that do not require you to leave your house and run into people.

Image courtesy of

One interesting solution is this one: someone who needed to walk their dog decided to try tying the husky’s leash to a remotely-operated drone. This way the human can stay safely at home while knowing that his dog is getting his steps in. Brilliant!

Delivery Dog

Sure, we’ve seen dogs pick up the newspaper from the driveway, but it is not every day that we see a dog trained to buy groceries at the store. Beto is helping his mom, who cannot leave the house, and in the process, he’s making the cashier’s day a lot happier.

Image courtesy of

This is just such a clever and sweet idea, not to mention very practical. Norma is being very respectful of others by not leaving the house, while also making sure her dog spends a little energy on his short walk to the grocery shop.

Confused Pomeranian

This little pup does not understand what his human is doing at home for so long. Like many other dogs, he is used to being at home by himself during the day and having full reign over the kingdom, so this new situation doesn’t make any sense to him.

Image courtesy of Reddit/pizzanotpineapples

To be fair, this whole situation does not make a lot of sense to any of us either. But the ones of us who have pets have been blessed to be able to spend this extra time with our buddies at home — whether they like it or not!

Loukie’s Birthday

Loukie is having a birthday party, and no one is invited. Judging by the way his tongue is sticking out for the camera, we are going to guess Loukie is pretty happy with the lack of guests at his party.

Image courtesy of Reddit/baphomet_barbie

Seven human years in dog years means that despite his puppyish appearance, Loukie is practically a middle-aged dog. So it is high time for him to become grumpy and start avoiding social situations with people he doesn’t care about. Live it up, Loukie!

Predator Dog

One thing many dogs do in order to try to get their owners’ attention is giving little nips. It’s clearly not supposed to hurt them; it’s simply a way of reminding them their best friend is around and it’s time to play.

Image courtesy of Imgur/ThePooFlyer

But it’s not all fun and games when their owners bite back. As you can see, this dog did not expect his owner to play his game and get the best of him. She obviously did not bite hard either, but he still looks very surprised.

Sleepy Dog

This sleepy boy was just casually yawning next to his brother like anyone would, when something odd simply interrupted his plans. A little snout appeared out of nowhere. You can see how shocked he was, judging by the look on his face.

Image courtesy of Reddit/WyldBlu

His little brother looks very nonchalant about the whole thing, which just makes the picture even funnier. Does he think that this is a normal response when it comes to yawning? Was he trying to play? Whatever the reason, he’s created a rather awkward situation for them both.

Tent Boy

This good boy is tired of staying in all the time, so his parents set up a tent for him so that he can feel like he’s camping. His little toys are in the tent too, everything to make him comfortable while he’s on his staycation.

Image courtesy of

He looks very thankful for this gesture, but probably very confused as well. After all, why can’t everyone just go play outside like they used to do? Don’t worry, pup, soon we’ll all be able to enjoy the great outdoors the normal way.

Nervous Dog

For Lucy’s birthday, her dad ordered her a cake. But Lucy is not used to eating cake, especially cakes made only for her. So she got very surprised, if not a tad bewildered, by her human’s nice gesture. Her face almost says: “All that? For me?”

Image courtesy of Reddit/Halo_sky

We don’t judge you at all, Lucy. If someone got us a whole cake for us to eat all by ourselves, we would also feel very special, but maybe daunted by the challenge. We hope you enjoyed every bite of your well-deserved birthday cake.

Spy Dog

This little dog is doing some spy work in order to understand why his humans are spending so much time inside the house. He secretly follows everyone around the place and tries to eavesdrop on conversations and observe their activities.

Image courtesy of Twitter/@ChicagoNow

Despite his determined surveillance efforts, he still hasn’t really been able to figure out what the heck is actually going on. After all, the current situation is very complicated anyone to understand. But either way, whatever the reason might be, he seems to be enjoying this new game a lot.

Thief Dog

This little bandit thought he would be able to get away with stealing and eating an entire jar of jam from a store. Someone found him lying on the ground covered in a red substance and obviously thought the worst had happened.

Image courtesy of Facebook/taylorpane

But as it turns out, this mischievous little guy had just eaten too much jam and passed out because of the amount of sugar he ingested! In the second picture, he is even sticking out his tongue for all those people who had been worried.

St. Puppy’s Day

This classy dog is ready for a few drinks and a few pinches to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. He has his green shirt, his fancy glasses, and, obviously, his four-leaf clover bow tie. He is so ready to party and go to the pub.

Image courtesy of Twitter/@Kaxan_KXAN

We hope he had a great St. Patrick’s Day and that his parent included him in the celebrations by ordering him some dog-safe beer. It’s the least they can do after dressing him up and making him wear these glasses.

Smart Dog

This dog is way too clever for her own good. Even though she really loves to go outside, she hates being locked out. So instead of staying in or going outside completely, she stays halfway in and halfway out. It’s surely the perfect balance.

Image courtesy of Reddit/GardenerInAWar

Okay, so we doubt she is having any fun sitting between the door and the wall, but at least it shows that she is willing to stand up for her rights, and she is not ready to give up on this battle. Looks like the dog won this round. Nice strategy, pup!

Climber Dog

As the days pass by, we get more and more bored and antsy staying at home. So we start looking through our old boxes of belongings, and finding things we haven’t used in years. And that is probably how this patient golden retriever ended up dressed as a climber.

Image courtesy of

This adventurous pooch looks ready for an adventure, be it climbing a mountain or taking a nap on the couch near his human every day until the social distancing rules are loosened. And most importantly, he is staying safe with his helmet.

Sad Pup

All this good boy really wanted was to climb to the couch using his little stairs. But his human, distracted with so many other things to do around the house, forgot to place them against the couch where they belong after vacuuming.

Image courtesy of Reddit/z-kid

So he did the only thing he could: he climbed to the highest step and waited with his big, sad puppy eyes until his human saw him and fixed his mistake. Such a smart boy for knowing how to express precisely what he wants!

Height Measurement

This dachshund is so proud to be three toilet-paper-rolls tall! You can even see how he’s smiling a little bit, happy to know that he can scare away the other big pups, since he’s a big boy now. That big dog on the corner of the block had better watch out!

Image courtesy of

In quarantine times, toilet paper is such a big commodity, which probably makes this little dog even happier. He can rest assured knowing his owners are well stocked at the moment, and he can use these rolls later to play with when no one is looking.

St. Bernard’s New Job

This breed of dogs is usually known for bringing first aid kits attached to their necks to people in need. But considering the current global situation, what could possibly be a bigger necessity than toilet paper? Surely there’s a need for rescue dogs to help deliver hand sanitizer for all!

Image courtesy of The Denver Post

Gone are the storied days of St. Bernards carrying medical supplies around their necks. With a new reality comes a new solution: always keep an extra roll of toilet paper on your dog! This is such a clever idea that this dog’s owners should try to patent it.

Customer Service Dog

Times have been rough for everyone, including our four-legged pals. The dog in this picture even started working as a customer support representative to help make ends meet. And you can tell by the look on his face that he takes his job really seriously.

Image courtesy of

This dog’s parents must be really proud of their responsible pup. We hope he is being paid not only with lots of treats, but also plenty of snuggles, because he is such a good boy who deserves a reward for all that hard work he’s putting in.

The Serious Pup

What with the serious expression on his face and the fancy cape wrapped around him, this dog looks like a model posing for a portrait. He is more than eager for his fifteen minutes of fame when the painting becomes famous all over the world. 

Image courtesy of Imgur/Shiron14

We wish all dogs were this respectful and calm. Look at how he is patiently waiting for his human to come and remove the blanket from his back instead of running around and leaving it dirty somewhere around the house.

Food Beggar

This is one persistent (but adorable) doggo. Even after getting tired of trying to get food, he stayed right there in place. Sure, he is laying on the floor, but his face is still on the couch, eyes still gazing longingly at the food. The rest of his body seems to have slumped on the ground in a futile attempt to gain treats.

Image courtesy of Imgur/youandmeandrainbows

One distracted moment and that’s it, the dog is going to be right back on his feet and stealing all the snacks. One thing is for sure: he doesn’t give up on his dreams and ambitions, and we are proud of him for that. We aspire to be as determined as this dog.

The Helper Dog

This dog wants to make sure his human’s phone is fully charged, so he decided to hold the charger for them. How adorably convenient is that? We all wish we could have such a cute and fluffy charger holder at home so we can stop constantly looking high and low for it.

Image courtesy of

You can even see in this weary pooch’s eyes that he is ready to take a nap. But even when he does fall asleep, he won’t stop helping his owner charge their phone. That is what we call the definition of a good boy.

Terrified Dog

Oh, no! This pup’s teddy bear is trapped in a big, evil machine! The expression of sheer terror on this poor guy’s face is just so adorable. He can’t understand why his teddy bear is inside the washing machine, nor why his owner won’t help him open it.

Image courtesy of Imgur/Florinilie29

Maybe that panic is because he has seen the washing machine in motion before, and he is worried that after the teddy bear, he might be next in line. We would be pretty scared to go inside the washing machine too!

Quarantine Dog

Let’s face it: this dog blanket burrito is a perfect example of how most people look during the quarantine. Not being able to go outside, many of us just gave up completely on jeans and uncomfortable clothes and wore only pajamas and blankets for days straight.

Image courtesy of

The peaceful expression on this dog’s face is incredible. He is simply enjoying his time being cozy and warm in his blankets while taking a luxurious nap on the big comfy couch. Wonderful if he’ll let his owner snuggle up beside him, or if he’s sick of him by now?

The Centaur

Quarantine is making us all as creative as we’ve ever been. Maybe it’s the abundant free time, maybe it’s the fact that we have to look at the same walls and furniture and decoration and people and animals all day, every day.

Image courtesy of Reddit/Isai76

Whatever the reason may be, we totally support using your pets and significant others as inspiration and even participants for your creative art projects, such as photography. In fact, we are sure if this dog could see how cool he looks as a half of a centaur, he would approve the photo too.

Tired Momma

Motherhood is a blessing, but it is also exhausting, and few things have illustrated that to us so sharply than being cooped up indoors. This dog looked so happy after giving birth to her first puppies; she was probably super excited thinking about her little sweethearts who would hang out with her all the time.

Image courtesy of Reddit/NosaAlex94

But what this momma dog did not consider is that with motherhood comes more responsibilities. Also suddenly she’s not the only pup in the house, and the attention she used to get is now split by eight dogs. She’s representing how so many parents are feeling in quarantine with their kids home from school.

Disclaimer: This article was first published on and is published here with approval.